Sunday, September 7, 2008

Summer 2008 and the Start of Fall

Wow where to start its been so long. Well first both me and Courtney are doing great. Her birthday was the 8th of June, and went to see one of our friends from high school play at brewzkis which was alot of fun. The summer was over way to quickly. We didn't travel as much as we did last year, but we did take our annual camping trip with her family over the 24th of July.

As you can see from the pics we had a good time,

We did go see Jack Johnson in concert a few weeks ago, and that was fun but to have a concert on a Monday is just lame.

We also celebrated our other nieces birthdays in August. They both got new bikes and were very excited to ride them.

The Utes are back in action and beat Michigan at the big house which is a great way to start the season. Me and Courtney just went to the Utes first home game against UNLV and although it started slow the Utes picked it up in the second half and beat the crap out of them. I also tested out Courtney's new camera and its video so you'll have to let me know what you think.

Other than that nothing much to report, we got to see our good friends Cory and Shelly and their little boy Ryan. It was great to see them and it sucks that they live in Washington but oh well. Oh and in October me and Court will be flying to my best friends wedding in Atlanta which we can't wait for. I'll make sure to post soon after. Well my birthday is coming up and I'll be 27 I can't believe how fast time goes as you get older. But here's to enjoying every minute of it. Until next time, feel free to drop by the Munson's your always welcome here.